Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings

Often when individuals have suffered from intimate partner violence, friends, family and other helpers may pay more attention to the violence in their lives instead of how helpless and hopeless that violence makes the victim/survivor feel. And sometimes, survivors feel the only way out is to end their life.

Similarly, when individuals go to see a mental health counselor following a suicide attempt, if that counselor doesn’t ask directly about violence, victims/survivors often are too ashamed to talk about it, or they don’t see the connection and don’t volunteer this information (APA).

Service Providers

Any time you are working with individuals in sexual assault and domestic violence settings, it is important to assess for suicidal thoughts and feelings. If someone indicates feeling hopeless or thinking about suicide during your screening, we have provided a list of referral resources to help connect individuals to care.

Seeking Help

If you are someone who has experienced intimate partner violence or sexual assault, know that you are not alone. There are services available to assist you and help you process your feelings surrounding the violence which has occurred, feelings which may include helplessness and hopelessness.

Below you will find various resources, programs and service providers in South Carolina and National Hotlines with staff who are available to listen and assist you.

If you are having suicidal thoughts, you can visit to complete a questionnaire and find other resources.

  • For Medical Emergencies, please call 911
  • Call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by calling, texting or chatting 988.
    • Lifeline TTY: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988.
  • Text HOPESC to 741741 for help (this text line is not tied to phone bills or records).
  • If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, call 1.833.364.2274 to contact South Carolina’s DMH Mobile Crisis, a statewide service that provides on-site emergency mental health screening, assessment, and referral, as appropriate, 7 days a week utilizing a Mobile Crisis team to meet the mental health needs of South Carolina residents.

You can also utilize SCCADVASA’s Interactive Map to identify and connect with your local area’s domestic violence and sexual assault for services related to any violence have experienced or are experiencing.

Additional Information and Resources on Suicide

To learn more about suicide, to get help, to find out how to help someone else, to find stories of hope and recovery, please the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Find additional mental health resources from SCCADVASA here.