As technology advances and social lives become increasingly intertwined with cyberspace, people engaging in intimate partner abuse have found ways to use these advancements for nefarious ends. In this training, we will discuss cyber intimate partner abuse and how it manifests online as well as its connections to offline behavior. After discussing what cyber intimate partner abuse is and the various types contained within it, research will be presented on how persons fleeing abuse survived with this interconnected landscape. Additionally, their feedback on interactions with formal agencies of social control and social services will be reviewed. 

Speaker: Dr. Jordana Navarro, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at The Citadel

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to:

  • Understand what cyber intimate partner abuse is
  • Describe the ways that cyber intimate partner abuse manifests online and offline
  • Describe the consequences of cyber intimate partner abuse for individuals experiencing abuse and for their families/friends
  • Describe the challenges and strengths of cyberspace for individuals assisting people fleeing abuse

VSP credit is pending

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